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Error on UTF-8 MSSQL windows FreeTDS Linux

Hi guys, whats up? Today I came with a nice approach to solve the issue that was giving us a really good headache! We have a connection string on our linux server that connects to the MSSQL in an external machine. For that we had a connection string similar to: $dsn="odbc:DRIVER=freetds;SERVER=$serverName;PORT=$port;DATABASE=$dbName;" After look everywhere and even on the FreeTDS documentation we found an extended option that it is resumed to ClientCharset=UTF-8;ServerCharset=CP1252 so the final connection string is something like: $dsn="odbc:DRIVER=freetds;SERVER=$serverName;PORT=$port;DATABASE=$dbName;ClientCharset=UTF-8;ServerCharset=CP1252"; Thanks for the StackOverflow thread https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37141342/character-set-mismatch-on-linux-with-odbc-to-sql-server they saved my day! So that is all for now! thank you folks. Midori

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